Visit to Pan Factory - An Historic Day for Pan Trinbago’s new Executive...

Visit to Pan Factory - An Historic Day for Pan Trinbago’s new Executive...

Wednesday February 13th 2019.

An Historic Day for Pan Trinbago’s new Executive under President Beverley Ramsey-Moore.

TTPIL [Trinidad & Tobago Pan Instruments Limited] began delivery of drums manufactured by its operations – this is for an order of sixty [60] bass drums received from Hadco Phase II.

TTPIL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pan Trinbago Inc. T.C. – it is the third [3rd] manufacturing steel pan company in Trinidad & Tobago; the other two being PanLand Limited and Gill’s Pan Shop.

TTPIL will be importing its raw steel material [specifically developed for the steelpan] to manufacture steel drums for the burgeoning global /international steel pan industry: downstream products from this imported steel will include pan stands, mail boxes, tool kits and hose reels.

Besides the manufacture of drums for the steel pan industry – the factory can also manufacture steel storage drums.

Photos show the official hand over of the drums at the factory which is located at Building B1, E-Teck Park, Trincity Industrial Park, Macoya.



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