




1.1. Application for membership shall be made on the prescribed membership application form as shall be supplied by the Association along with required application fee and forwarded to the Secretary of the Association, who shall bring such application to the Central Executive Committee for consideration and approval.

1.2. Membership in the Association shall commence as from the date of approval and dues shall become payable as from such date.

1.3. Upon admittance to membership, a steelband or ensemble shall receive a Certificate of Membership.

1.4. All individual members of a steelband as registered by that steelband shall receive a Membership Card in the name of the host steelband or ensemble.

  1. Affiliate members upon admittance to membership shall receive a certificate in the case of an association, sponsor, benefactor, patron, friend or chapter.
  2. Affiliate members upon admittance to membership shall receive a Membership Card in the case of individual tuners, arrangers and solo artistes.

1.5.Membership Cards in this Association are non-transferable and non-assignable except as at Article 2 - 2.3


2.1. Termination of membership shall be as follow:

  1. Receipt and acceptance by the Central Executive Committee of the written resignation of a member/officer done through an Attorney or otherwise.
  2. Through death.
  3. By the failure of a member to pay dues or assessments on or
  4. before their due date.
  5. Failure of a member to retain the incidents of qualification for membership as contained in the Constitution and Bye-Laws of this Association.
  6. For cause otherwise, inconsistent with membership, after due notice, hearing and determination thereof, by the Central Executive Committee or by the General Meeting in session.


3.1. Each member band, ensemble shall register by January 15, of each year, the names of the members of the band inclusive of the names of members of Administrative Officers.

3.2. It is the responsibility of each member band to ensure that members registered with it, do not have membership with any other band or bands.

3.3. Any member of a band desiring to have membership in another band, must first gain a release from the band from which he desires to leave and the band to which he is being released or transferred shall pay a transfer fee, negotiable between the two respective bands.

3.4. Each band shall pay for each member a registration fee at registration.

3.5. The Central Executive shall have the right to waive payment of an annual fee, where member band or individual makes representation for such facility and such facility shall be for a period not in excess of six (6) months from the day of such granting of said facility.

3.6. Steelbands, ensemble or individual shall refuse to perform with another steelband, ensemble or individual who is either not registered with the Association or not in good standing with the Association.


4.1. All Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President on the advice of the Central Executive Committee.

4.2. All Standing Committee shall be appointed for a period of four (4) years.

4.3. The Chairman of each Standing Committee shall be appointed by the Central Executive Committee.

4.4. Any appointment to any Standing Committee may be revoked by the President after consultation with the Central Executive Committee.

4.5. Each Chairman shall represent his Committee, see that its business is properly conducted, fix dates of meetings and shall report in writing quarterly or as may be requested by the Central Executive Committee.

4.6. A Chairman may co-opt members temporarily to his Committee and may name sub-committees of members from within his Standing Committee to deal with urgent or specific matters.

4.7. All Standing Committees shall receive respective terms of reference on appointment, from the Central Executive Committee.

4.8. All Committees, standing and otherwise are subject to supervision by the Central Executive Committee.


  1. All Standing Committees (except the Events Committee) shall each consist of a Chairman and four (4) members.
  2. The Events Committee shall consist of a Chairman and eight (8) members, which shall include one member from each of the Marketing and Media; Finance; and Legal Affairs Committees.


The functions of Standing Committees are as follows:


  1. The Finance Committee shall consist of a Chairman and four (4) members.
  2. The Finance Committee shall draw up and submit for ratification to the Central Executive Committee; Financial Regulations by which all finance matters of the Association shall be operated.
  3. The Finance Committee shall advise the Central Executive Committee on the management of property.
  4. The Finance Committee shall prepare the budget of the Association and shall examine those of the various Standing Committees and Regional Executive and submit said budgets for approval to the Central Executive Committee.
  5. The Finance Committee shall assist with matters of finance of the various committees and shall make recommendations to the Central Executive Committee.


(a) The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of a Chairman and four (4) members.

(b) The Disciplinary Committee shall enquire, deliberate and decide upon, matters affecting discipline where such matters have been referred to the said committee by the Central Executive Committee.

(c) The Disciplinary Committee shall submit its recommendations through its Chairman to the Central Executive Committee.

(d) Any member of the Disciplinary Committee, who may be under investigation by said Committee shall be debarred from in any manner deliberating on the matter as a member of the Disciplinary Committee.


  1. The Research and Development Committee shall consist of a Chairman and four (4) members.
  2. The Researcher and Development Committee shall initiate, promote, support and inform on all matters concerned with the development of the steelband.
  3. The Researcher and Development Committee shall organise programmes of education on the Steelband Movement.
  4. The Researcher and Development Committee shall encourage research and development in respect of the technology as it relates to the instrument and the music.


  1. The Legal Matters Committee shall consist of a Chairman and four (4) members.
  2. The Legal Matters Committee shall advise the Central Executive Committee on matters of a legal nature.
  3. The Legal Matters Committee shall examine closely the operations of the Association and shall look at publications, productions, inventions and expositions of any kind for the purpose of advising the Organisation in respect of legalities.
  4. The Legal Matters Committee shall treat with Copyright, Patents and Licenses as they affect the Association.
  5. The Legal Matters Committee shall report through its Chairman to the Central Executive Committee.
  6. The Legal Matters Committee shall check the statutes and regulations governing affiliated chapters and members as the case may be, and make recommendations to the Central Executive Committee to intervene.


  1. The Youth Affairs Committee shall consist of a Chairman and four (4) members.
  2. The Youth Affairs Committee shall be responsible for organising the youth.
  3. The Youth Affairs Committee shall consist in organising programmes of education, information and recreation for the youths.
  4. The Youth Affairs Committee shall report through its Chairman to the Central Executive Committee.


  1. The Marketing and Media Committee shall consist of a Chairman and four (4) members.
  2. The Marketing and Media Committee shall be responsible for the development and implementation of the Pan Trinbago Annual Marketing Plan, which includes all performances, competitions, promotions and product lines. This plan shall be submitted to the Central Executive Committee for approval.
  3. The Marketing and Media Committee shall plan and implement media relations' strategies to include supervision and edit of productions, publications and programmes designed to inform and sustain the corporate image of Pan Trinbago worldwide. This plan shall be submitted to the Central Executive Committee for approval.
  4. The Marketing and Media Committee shall develop and maintain a strategic relationship with Public Relations/Advertising Agencies in the implementation, and monitoring of programs and activities geared to promote the image and strategic plans of Pan Trinbago to include participation in activities such as Trade Shows and Conferences.


  1. The Events Committee shall consist of a Chairman and eight (8) members, to include one member from each of the following committees, Marketing and Media, Finance and Legal Affairs.
  2. Where Events affect regions and/or chapters, a representative of the region/chapter as named by the particular region/chapter shall be co-opted to the Events Committee.
  3. The Events Committee shall organise all shows and competitions for and on behalf of the Association.
  4. The Events Committee shall submit to the Central Executive Committee, rules and regulations which may govern each event, and amendments to any such rules and regulations which may govern each event, and amendments to any such rules and regulations for ratification.
  5. The Events Committee shall receive from the Central Executive Committee rules and regulations, duly ratified, and shall apply and administer such rules and regulations for and on behalf of the Association (and in accordance with the Constitution, Bye- Law and Policy).
  6. The Events Committee shall interpret and decide on any rule or regulation and any infraction of any rule or regulation must first be dealt with by the Events Committee.
  7. The Events Committee shall interpret and decide on any rule or regulation and any infraction of any rule or regulation must first be dealt with by the Events Committee.
  8. The Events Committee shall submit a report in writing to the Central Executive Committee, on any show or competition within fourteen (14) days of the completion of such Event.


  1. The Regulations Committee shall consist of a Chairman and four (4) members, to include one member from each of the following committees, Research and Development, Legal Matters, Marketing and Media and Membership Services.
  2. The Regulations Committee shall determine and record all instruments included in the family of steelpan instruments.
  3. The Regulations Committee shall determine and record all proper methods or practices in the manufacture, tuning, blending and playing of steelpan instruments.
  4. The Regulations Committee shall determine and record
  5. all steelpan and steelband music.



  1. The Chairman shall conduct all meetings, sign minutes of all meetings after they have been duly confirmed
  2. Shall have only an original vote at all meetings where he presides.
  3. Shall have the power to act on behalf of the region and shall report for approval all his actions at the next meeting after the exercise by the Chairman of such powers.
  4. Shall have the power to delegate to any of the Regional Officers such duties and functions as may be required.
  5. Shall cause meetings to be summoned.
  6. Shall be responsible for the function of the Region.
  7. Shall authorise all payments to be made on behalf of the Regional Executive.


  1. Shall assist the Chairman in the exercise of his duties.
  2. Shall act in the absence of the Chairman.
  3. Shall perform such duties as may be delegated to him by the Chairman.


  1. Shall be responsible for the keeping safely all the official records of the Regional Executive.
  2. Shall issue all notices for meetings - Executive and general meetings, and shall sign all correspondence, and shall cause all minutes to be done and circulated to all officers and bands within the region.
  3. Shall keep a proper record of the membership within the region.
  4. Shall be a signatory to cheque payments.
  5. Shall perform all such duties as may be delegated to him by the President or Regional Executive, from time to time.


  1. Shall perform the duties of Secretary in the absence of the Secretary


  1. Shall be responsible for all monies and shall keep a true record of all monies received and deposited or withdrawn in the name of the region.
  2. Shall submit to the National Treasurer, for Audit, the Accounts of the region.
  3. Shall sign all cheques along with either of the Secretary, or Trustee.
  4. Shall deposit into the Association's Region's account all monies received by him on behalf of the region within twenty-four hours after receipt of said monies; or on the next banking day.


  1. Shall be responsible for the preservation, protection, maintenance and security of all property of the Region.
  2. Shall have access to all valuable business and title documents entrusted to the Treasurer for safekeeping.


6.1 There shall be in each region, a Liaison Officer.

6.2. The Liaison Officer shall be the Liaison between member bands and the Regional Executive and shall report to the Regional Executive.

6.3. The Liaison Officer shall be paid by the Central Executive and shall report to the National Secretary on a weekly basis.

6.4. The Liaison Officer shall be nominated by the Regional Executive Committee, which nomination shall be ratified by the Central Executive Committee. Where the Central Executive Committee for whatever reason, rejects said nomination, the Regional Executive Committee shall submit another nominee within fourteen days, after the particular rejection.

6.5. The terms of employment of the Liaison Officer shall be given to the Liaison Officer, upon appointment by the Central Executive Committee.


7.1. All foreign organisations formerly designated to be arms of Pan Trinbago in North America, shall no longer be called Pan Trinbago.

7.2. All foreign organisations formerly designated to be arms of Pan Trinbago shall now be designated to be affiliates of Pan Trinbago.

7.3. All foreign organisations designated to be affiliates of Pan Trinbago shall be called Chapters for the purposes of the Constitution and Bye-Laws of Pan Trinbago.

7.4. The Central Executive Committee of Pan Trinbago shall maintain healthy relations with all Chapters of the Association and shall maintain regular communication with said Chapters.


8.1. It shall be the duty of every member to promote the Aims and Objectives of the Association. In so doing members shall observe the provisions of the Constitution, Bye-Laws and Policy of the Association.

8.2. Members of the Association shall not play or perform with non-members or those expelled from the Association and shall not play for less than the rates agreed upon by the Association.

8.3. Members not appearing on engagements for which they were contracted shall be guilty of violating the Principles of the Association.

8.4. Members shall inform the Association of all engagements.

8.5. No member of the Association shall by work or deed attempt to cause the loss of engagement of another members band or member.

8.6. It shall be the duty of every member to appear before the President, Secretary or Central Executive Committee when officially summoned to do so.

8.7. No member/officer should do any such thing as may bring into disrepute the good name of the Association.

9. Article 9 FEES AND DUES


(1) Each ordinary member shall pay dues as follows:

  1. Registration fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00).
  2. Annual due of one hundred dollars ($100.00) status fee
  3. Membership annual dues of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each member of its stage side or permanent members as per registration.
  4. Ten percent (10%) levy on all performances obtained through Pan Trinbago for which a fee has been charged.

(2) Steelbands, which do not participate in Panorama and Festivals or even so, do not participate in any competitions, shall pay dues as follows:

  1. Registration fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00).
  2. Annual due of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
  3. Membership annual dues of ten dollars ($10.00) for each member of its stage side or permanent members as per register.
  4. Ten percent (10%) levy on all performances obtained through Pan Trinbago for which a fee has been charged.

(3)Affiliate members shall pay dues as follows:

(i) Tuners, Arrangers, Soloists and Artistes

  1. Registration fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00).
  2. Annual due of one hundred dollars ($100.00).

(ii) Associations shall pay dues as follows:

  1. Registration fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)
  2. Annual due of two hundred dollars ($200.00).

(iii) Sponsors, Benefactors, Friends, Patrons.

  1. Sponsors shall pay an annual due of three hundred dollars ($300.00).
  2. Benefactors, Friends, Patrons (individuals) shall pay an annual due of two hundred dollars.

(iv) Temporary

  1. Visitors to Trinidad and Tobago who are performing at the Panorama or Festival with a steelband, shall pay a due of one hundred U.S. dollars ($100.00).

(v) Honorary members shall pay a due or fee and shall be the recipient of courtesies by the Association.

10. Article 10 BENEFITS


  1. Full representation by the organisation in all matters, where recourse is taken to the Central Executive.
  2. Certificate of membership.
  3. Membership cards for each registered permanent members.
  4. Discounts.
  5. Each ordinary member (i.e. band) is entitled to four (4) complimentary tickets at all Pan Trinbago shows.
  6. Legal service.
  7. Fax and telephone service.
  8. Assistance with medical bills i.e. medical prescriptions